Millions of people search the opening hours or contact phone number of businesses in their area every day. It may be that a local company or business does not have a website or social media profiles. But your presence in Google My Business is essential. Next we will explain how to create a company file and make it appear in the top positions of Google.
1 What is Google My Business?
2 How to register a company in Google My Business?
3 SEO optimization to appear prominently
3.1 Name of the company.
3.2 Contact details.
3.3 Business category.
3.4 Brief commercial description.
3.5 Hours.
3.6 Form of payment accepted.
3.7 Includes 360 virtual tours.
3.8 Photos of products or facilities.
3.9 Post frequently on your Google My Business tab.
3.10 Display on the web page
3.11 Generate reviews: the most important thing
4 Why it is important to stand out in Google My Business.
Google My Business is a Google tool that places local companies and businesses “on the map”. Thanks to it, it is very likely that potential clients from our area of influence (neighborhood, town or city) will find it.
Many times, we carry out a local search and in the first positions a map appears showing the location of companies that offer what we are looking for, for example, “Mechanical workshop Valencia”. Let's imagine what would happen if we managed to position our company website organically on the first page of Google and, in addition, we also appear prominently in Google Local, we would be occupying two different positions on the first page! What do you like the idea?
But, what if our company, not even writing your commercial name, appears on the map? It is at this moment when we ask ourselves: why my competition yes and my company no? Avoiding this is very simple. You simply have to register your company in the old Google Local . Let's see how.
You can promote this practice by suggesting it with a sticker placed at the entrance of your establishment or by other means: commenting on it to your customers, through social networks or sending them an e-mailing.
And an important question: don't forget to thank and respond correctly to all the reviews you receive, even the ones you like least.
Make comments or read those of other users.
Know how to get from the point where you are.
Call directly by phone.
Check the schedule and know how much time is left for them to open or close.
See what other shops are in that area.
Or get to know other similar places.
And like most Google services, it is completely free.
Does your business already appear in Google My Business? If not, I recommend that you register as soon as possible. And if it appears but not prominently, it is a matter of getting to work and optimizing your SEO in order to achieve greater visibility and that your clients call you. Let's do it!
Table Of Content:
1 What is Google My Business?
2 How to register a company in Google My Business?
3 SEO optimization to appear prominently
3.1 Name of the company.
3.2 Contact details.
3.3 Business category.
3.4 Brief commercial description.
3.5 Hours.
3.6 Form of payment accepted.
3.7 Includes 360 virtual tours.
3.8 Photos of products or facilities.
3.9 Post frequently on your Google My Business tab.
3.10 Display on the web page
3.11 Generate reviews: the most important thing
4 Why it is important to stand out in Google My Business.
Google My Business is a Google tool that places local companies and businesses “on the map”. Thanks to it, it is very likely that potential clients from our area of influence (neighborhood, town or city) will find it.
Many times, we carry out a local search and in the first positions a map appears showing the location of companies that offer what we are looking for, for example, “Mechanical workshop Valencia”. Let's imagine what would happen if we managed to position our company website organically on the first page of Google and, in addition, we also appear prominently in Google Local, we would be occupying two different positions on the first page! What do you like the idea?
But, what if our company, not even writing your commercial name, appears on the map? It is at this moment when we ask ourselves: why my competition yes and my company no? Avoiding this is very simple. You simply have to register your company in the old Google Local . Let's see how.
Registering a company in Google My Business is very simple . It is only necessary to have an email account (it does not even have to be from, access Google My Business ( ), register and start creating the company file . - If we already have a Gmail account, registration is not necessary. It may be that the file of our company is already created, but we need to take control of it. In this case, we must reclaim our business, and the process is exactly the same.
At the end of this process, to verify that we really are the owners of the premises or we have the authorization of the owner, we must verify the file . How? Keep reading.
First we choose how we want to receive the verification code: landline, SMS or postal mail. If you choose the latter, it will take us at least 15 days to receive it, so it is advisable to choose any of the other two means, although many times we are not given any other option.
If you allow us the option "verify through landline", which is the most comfortable, we click on the "verify" button and in a matter of seconds the phone that appears on our file will ring. An answering machine will tell us a code number. We write it in the “Verification code” box and we simply have to wait for Google My Business to review it.
A warning . If when the Google Street View car passed by the street where our business is located, it was not yet open or there is no indicator on the façade that announces the premises, it will almost certainly not be approved. If this is the case, they will either call us requesting that we send by email a photo of the façade where the name of the company appears (sign, plaque in the directory, etc.) or we will have to contact Google My Business via form of contact and show them that it really is a real business. This is done to ensure that all of the businesses listed are real.
The tab can be updated at any time. In addition we can know for days how many times it has appeared in the search results and if someone has been interested in us, that is, they have consulted our file, thanks to the statistical data that the tool offers us. In the image we see the graph of where the clients see the company in Google, search form or map form.
At the end of this process, to verify that we really are the owners of the premises or we have the authorization of the owner, we must verify the file . How? Keep reading.
First we choose how we want to receive the verification code: landline, SMS or postal mail. If you choose the latter, it will take us at least 15 days to receive it, so it is advisable to choose any of the other two means, although many times we are not given any other option.
If you allow us the option "verify through landline", which is the most comfortable, we click on the "verify" button and in a matter of seconds the phone that appears on our file will ring. An answering machine will tell us a code number. We write it in the “Verification code” box and we simply have to wait for Google My Business to review it.
A warning . If when the Google Street View car passed by the street where our business is located, it was not yet open or there is no indicator on the façade that announces the premises, it will almost certainly not be approved. If this is the case, they will either call us requesting that we send by email a photo of the façade where the name of the company appears (sign, plaque in the directory, etc.) or we will have to contact Google My Business via form of contact and show them that it really is a real business. This is done to ensure that all of the businesses listed are real.
The tab can be updated at any time. In addition we can know for days how many times it has appeared in the search results and if someone has been interested in us, that is, they have consulted our file, thanks to the statistical data that the tool offers us. In the image we see the graph of where the clients see the company in Google, search form or map form.
But registering our business is not enough to make it appear prominently. If we do nothing, our company will be one more point on the map. To make the famous pushpin stand out, we have to optimize the tab of our local business as SEO. How? Very simple, following these recommendations:COMPANY NAME.
It is advisable to include the keyword that identifies us, as long as it is part of the company name. If not, better not add anything else.CONTACT DETAILS .
Address, city, telephone, e-mail, web, hours, etc.BUSINESS CATEGORY.
We can include several, although one must be established as the main one. For example: Mediterranean food restaurant, vegetarian restaurant, home food restaurant ... This will increase our visibility in the different searches.BRIEF COMMERCIAL DESCRIPTION .
Let us explain as best as possible what services we offer, what sets us apart from other businesses, why trust us, what our values are, etc.HOURS .
If we close at noon we can also indicate it. For a few months now, it is possible to indicate special hours. For example, if the holidays don't open, you can indicate so. Although even if you have not indicated it and it is a holiday, Google My Business warns users that it may be closed as it is a holiday, for example, on August 15.PAYMENT METHOD ACCEPTED.
In this way your potential clients can get a real idea of what your business is like.PHOTOS OF THE PRODUCTS OR FACILITIES.
It is now possible to include photos of the team, the interior of the establishment and the exterior. In this way, your potential customers will get an idea of what your local is like. If it stands out for its decoration, take advantage of this option and put photos of the best possible quality and that best describe the atmosphere that is breathed in your establishment.POST FREQUENTLY ON YOUR GOOGLE MY BUSINESS TAB.
To make it more comfortable for you, use tools like Metricool to do this.DISPLAY ON THE WEBSITE
Add the display of your location on Google Maps to your website, either through a link or by embedding the map. It is also important that the same data is always displayed on any page or directory where the address of your company appears.GENERATE REVIEWS: THE MOST IMPORTANT THING
And most importantly: the reviews or recommendations . Encourage your customers to write reviews, as long as they are true. It is useless, rather it would harm you, create false accounts for yourself write positive comments.You can promote this practice by suggesting it with a sticker placed at the entrance of your establishment or by other means: commenting on it to your customers, through social networks or sending them an e-mailing.
And an important question: don't forget to thank and respond correctly to all the reviews you receive, even the ones you like least.
Many times, when your potential clients carry out a local search, they more easily click on the results of Google Local, because the option to call them directly appears. They can also read the reviews of other users and thus create an opinion. Hence the importance of being present in Google My Business. In addition to this, this tool also offers users other very useful and valuable information: They can, for example:Make comments or read those of other users.
Know how to get from the point where you are.
Call directly by phone.
Check the schedule and know how much time is left for them to open or close.
See what other shops are in that area.
Or get to know other similar places.
And like most Google services, it is completely free.
Does your business already appear in Google My Business? If not, I recommend that you register as soon as possible. And if it appears but not prominently, it is a matter of getting to work and optimizing your SEO in order to achieve greater visibility and that your clients call you. Let's do it!
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